Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The family got 'cheaper' sweet muffins last week

Daddy decided to go to Kenny Rogers Roasters after everyone of us decided that Secret Recipe was not our 'day' last Saturday.

This is what we call 'Family' because my heart told me to go to Kenny Rogers silently without telling any of my family members. Perhaps daddy was indirectly bowed to his inner voice. Well, daddy also loved Kenny Rogers Roasters to bits.

I like the way the staffs set up a small table right in the middle of the main entrance to attract people on the promotion of Bcard in January.

The moment my family was ordering the food, I managed to ask the waiter about it. Turn out, it was a huge promotion in January by forking out RM10 for the card, we can get half dozen of Muffins immediately in January.

In reality, a muffin costs RM2.20. In conclusion, we saved few Ringgit Malaysia.

Look, the muffins promotion is true:)
Initially, the waiter told us that only two flavors was available: Vanilla and Banana. Then, we saw Chocolate Muffins. Curiosity took over me and without hesitation, I asked the waiter politely.

Ahh, I was not sure which waiters came first because they looked alike: Wearing a pair of glasses, a cap with almost similar face feature! 
This incident brought me back to year 2010 when I was a part time waitress.

"My friend came with his twin whom I'd never seen before. I was talking to my friend. By double confirm the menu, I looked at his twin. 
Luckily my friend was my friend, so we laughed together without me running away for the silly incident."

As a result of my asking, I found out that Chocolate Muffins sold out few minutes ago. The staffs baked the new ones and displayed outside, again.

Me with brother holding the Bcard.

Busy choosing the right food.

It's nice to spend some quality time eating with the family once in a while. It can be a last minute moment to decide the food but the process of chit-chatting, eating and laughing together as a family worth more than what we can imagine.

That day I learned that:
  1. Latest promotion or attractive things must be placed at the most attractive and obvious places.
  2. Make sure to look at the waiter/waitress when talking so that we will not mistaken which waiter was serving us.
  3. Eating with family members is the most amazing moment in life.

As George Santayana said:
"The family is one of nature's masterpieces."

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